Mbbs WG Text Variables ============================================================================= Text Variables That Are Allways Valid DATE - date TIME - time PORT - port index CHANNEL - channel # SYSTEM_NAME - sys name SYSTEM_COMPANY - system company SYSTEM_ADDRESS1 - address line 1 SYSTEM_ADDRESS2 - address line 2 SYSTEM_PHONE - bbs phone # RESTRICTED_PHO - restricted phone # CHARGE_PER_HOUR - creds per hour MINININ_CHARGE - minimus creds charged RED_NUMBER - bbs reg # NUMBER_OF_LINES - total bbs lines OTHERS_ONLINE - # users online TOTAL_CALLS - total # of calls DOWNLOADS - total # of d/ls UPLOADS - total # of uploads OPEN_FORUM_MSGS - total # of forum msgs written OPEN_EMAIL_MSGS - total # of email msgs written TOTAL_ACCOUNTS - total # of accounts TOTAL_MALE - total # of males TOTAL_FEMALE - total # of femals TOTAL_CORP - total corp accounts CALL_TIME_LIMIT - # mins user can stay online per call DAY_TIME_LIMIT - # mins a user can stay on a day TIME_TODAY - time online today DAYS_LEFT - # days left DEBT_LIMIT - max creds allowed in debt CREDIT_RATE - users current credit rate TITLE - current menu page CURRENT_FORUM - current forum TOTAL_ANSI - total # of users in ansi BAUD - baud rate ============================================================================= User Account or User Session Text Variables PAGE - name of current page user is in PARENT - name of parent page USERID - userid NAME - name COMPANY - company ADDRESS1 - address line 1 ADDRESS2 - address line 2 ADDRESS3 - address line 3 PHONE - phone # SYSTEM_TYPE - comp type ANSI - ansi on/off SCREEN_WIDTH - width of screen SCREEN_LENGTH - length of screen AGE - age SEX - something you do in bed (err i mean users sex) CREATION_DATE - date user created account LAST_ON - last time user was online CLASS - current class CREDITS - # of credits user has CREDITS_EVER - # of credits user ever had PAID_EVER - # of credits u has paid for TIME_ONLINE - time online this call =============================================================================